Thursday, 18 March 2010

FISA alert, accompaniment


after wars population booms
post genocide
reminded of lacan's work captured by transcription
and not even satisfied re: multiple digitizations
and US govt defiance (for humanitarian aims)
yoo: ? at berkely
maybe i should write him to ask if a videostream (with no image) meets FISA?
yoo would know
digital torture defense
for the modern era

will i be hauled out of class in cuffs for disobeying FISA strict interp with bambuser

china population imbalances
one child policy

in defense of rape as marriage consideration
also CEDAW failures
better source
find the UN doc
reparation theory for intnl law
and the possible applications
better COURTS

last lect b4 exam
race is fiction

re: census
norway govt website also agrees
thanks kristefos for helping with ADA disability rts

before class spoke to thor re: poverty's impediments to edu
digitize notes here and consider scanning old bio anthro notes as well
bartelt recommends reading in general
we are third chimp

race application drew a human fig--they thought it was funny
enfants terribles/scapegoats

ethnics became popular after wwII

social anthro
is valid term
aspects of relationships btw groups that consider themselves a group (or culturally distinct) and  . . . are so considered by outsiders
not in a vacuum

re:oku studies
how defined who are they
re: jewish maternal grandma stipulation---matrilineal?
and then also
power staying in the hands of men (past) and future bloggers (emoticon here)
by process of history
system of relationality

survival dependency
(starving right now---hungry for my prop 65 defiant carcinogenic kettle chips)

wonder if the lead countertop behind me is actionable under prop 65
and if so who will help me?????

also re: conservative AEI think tank
tort reform
"post asbestos litigation shock disorder"---funny!

"arguably" mitigational linguistic effect

creating new jobs of the future
re: ADA norms
the notetaker blogger's payable role!!!!!!
we should demand this!!!!!
and then work study
it could help pass out of basic typing comp sci class

every single person is mixed

origin traditions

bantu bali
germans named everything with a b-sound
what is the german term for honored
extremely holy

marks of nationalism
relational to state
coterminous with cultural boandaries
democracy now re gender apartheid
pay scale

political movement
when cultural groups demand state
state can be ethnic

defies this norm:

politically tainted categories
critical perspective

more fundamental parameter
than rec


usc collaboration

i ask if there could be used a less graphic term so as not to dilute the effect?
natural law

linguistics of "A**hole"
a rather specisesist
double entendre could be inferred
journal of irreproduceable results

re double entendre
speak english!

veil paper: cover face with hands even eyes---what signifies in psych

tongue in cheek article
informed with good cause

fond memory
classical philosophy professor
review next class
exam breakdown

essay prompts
race ethnicity and nationalism as per today

sex gender and sexuality as desc. in paris is burning
economic and politic atmosphere defense

reciprocity and redistribution of wealth in moka
on youtube
in five pieces

class on bambuser (soon to be bought by youtube as we inflate the value????)

culture theory
ethnic question

looking up stats re gender apartheid not sure if this is the braodcast he meant on DN
avail for educators

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