lead counter is a proposition 65
environmental violation
Medical anthropology
bring a guest as a part of presentation!!!!
presentation now optional!!!!
blogging not recommended as field notebook for privacy and rapport reasons.
anthro is being chased out of anthropology
and replaced by critical theory
cultural geography
department of defense supported anthropology
or CIA
how can modern anthropology distinguish itself from its colonialist past?????
when I asked whether or not the implicit gender bias of “anthro” pology is ever questioned, teacher cleverly tried to point towards the distinction between
anthropos---which he asserts is gender neutral yes
Greek anthrōpos ‘human being.’
and andros---which is male
in distinction
andro- (usu. andr- before a vowel)
combining form
man (as opposed to woman) : androcentric | androgenize.
I think my point resides in the phoeneme, in a linguistic sense of original root “sounds,” a point too subtle for this class
spirit catch me and I fall down
how can the modern anthropologist repair the damage to anthropology done by
social circumstances
standard biomedical concepts.
Class cannot be broadcast anymore.
I requested again today.
The lecture is quite good and dense.
I cannot type fast enough.
Quite impressed that teacher is now blocking his internet to deter us from broadcasting lecture, blogging the notes, or looking things up like the
the serpent and the rainbow
the spirit catches me and I fall down
or a more complicated history of the andro/anthro phoeneme split
I realized that the 4-16-10 lecture was indeed quite good as I listened to it last night on
the linguistic gripe with “show your tits” does not nullify the fact that the lecture was quite dense and articulate.
If a dialogue were permitted regarding language, then anger would need not affect the IT options for students.
Language imperialism forces one language on a people, and tells them they cannot speak a certain way.
Because I request more respect for women and have been told “you have no case” now the students and public are deprived of brian bartelt's great lecture.
I hope he tightens up his act, and gets to a university that forces him to be tech-friendly, like stanford.
It would be mandatory itunes university lectures.
I don't think he could get by with cursing and saying “tits and ass,” but once this part is deleted the overall content is quite good.
Biochemical effects on mind/body
as with verbal abuse
elizabeth said the “silent scream” day was unnecessary.
Teacher walked out of class to vent his fury in a silent scream.
It was I think bc a student was late.
I thought it was funny, bc I don't get angry so easily, and don't understand people who do.
It seemed very dramatic.
I thought it was funny and I made a little video immediately afterward.
It is on youtube.
Camaroon healing
70% effective
bigtime cultural relativism
wonder about PTSD
a better way to describe PTSD
the impasse
adversarial distinction btw conventional and traditional medicine
does away with
and does away with artificial adversarial distinction
1. homeostatic
2. treatment healing
3. mind-body system
4. spiritual healing
insular dwarfism
treatment healing
mind/body system
darwinian medicine
proximate v. evolutionary
spiritual healing v. evolutionary
internal equilibrium maintained by internal processes
healers look at bloodwork too bc they want to see the
biomedical . . . too
anthropo: outside the box???
via scott clapson . . .
bb: conspiratorial
“right-wing nutjobs” would love a video of teach he guesses
I say that is why it is
its not the fifties anymore
re: videos
homeostasis |ˌhōmēəˈstāsis|
noun ( pl. -ses |-sēz|)
the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, esp. as maintained by physiological processes.
allopathy |əˈläpəθē|
the treatment of disease by conventional means, i.e., with drugs having opposite effects to the symptoms. Often contrasted with homeopathy .
After an hour in the classroom
I can smell the smog intensify
not sure if it is the AC or the bad air from outside now smelling ultra-petrofuely
why morning clarity is so precious, before the smog takes off in los angeles
bless the night, a time when traffic, and smog subsides
Point contra bashing biomed
Darwinian medicine
looks at adaptive significance of disease
natural selection
disease cravings
for fat
heart attacks
nephew lizard hunt story
re growing back tail
not finger
put stem cell researchers out of work
fever kills pathogens
do not take fever medicine
it will kill the bugs
do not try this with a young child.
Reminds me of the vegan parents who were serving
iron deficiency
protects against infection
appetite loss
prescribe iron
you get more sick
bacteria feed off iron
brain produces chem reducing reduces iron
iron suplementation will increase illness
70% doctors do not know this 2005
so the stereotype
actually had a good effect
morning sickness protects the fetus
in the sixties morning sickness medication would promote deformities
body rejects food to protect fetus
double rate miscarriage
birth defects
biomedicine does have its limits
standing birth
birth no drugs
cold steel surgical room
infant mortality
high due to prenatal care
what was the alternative radon . . .
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