evidently . . . nothing is too evident actually.
my class time anxiety has simmered down, and teach seems to be trying to be nicer.
so voila!
ah well!
this email is a koan inside of a riddle inside of a blog so you see . . .
a few classmates have discussed whether women are treated fairly in class.
one guy said that when Dr. says things abrasive about women, the girls in the class look down or away.
another girl said she tries not to make a comment, bc she doesn't want to be put down.
anyway, who has this much energy to have opinions and words anymore?
as with all learning curves, the plateaus can be a drag . . .
in defense i don't believe i called teach a fascist, but said the tone can be fascistic, which is quite a lot better i think.
i think all of us if we are lucky to be passionate about something etc might be a bit overbearing at times . . . .
Fri, April 16, 2010 12:53:04 PM
With all due respect, you are completely out of line. In no way can my class be described as "vulgar and antiquated." I take offense at this gross misrepresentation. Before you levy such a charge against me, I strongly suggest you think hard about what you are saying. You will see that you have no case.
I take pedagogy seriously. I take accusations like this seriously. In no way do i think this a laughing matter.
Finally, before you make a mountain out of a mole-hill, perhaps you need to revisit the entomology of the word "tit." It derives from teat, meaning nipple, and can be pronounced as tit or teet. Both men and women have them, as do the cows on the farm on which I grew up.
I also do not appreciate your calling me a fascist. These are serious charges/accusations and I will not stand by and let a student throw such accusations my way - especially when they are completely unwarranted. I always welcome questions and discussion. In fact, I go out of my way to facilitate that.
I tried to accommodate you and your desire to video my lectures. However, these base-less accusations have left me with no choice but to forbid all filming and taping of my lectures, as my academic freedom is now at stake. I will make a formal announcement in class next week.
-Dr. Bartelt
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